Immediately after Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, as recorded in John 4, his disciples return to him after their food procurement mission into town. They are perplexed as to why Jesus is talking with a foreign woman, and at his apparent lack of interest in lunch. Jesus’ response to them is an exhortation to take note of the spiritual harvest that they are called by him to engage in—“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35b).

Jesus’ exhortation remains relevant for his followers today. It is important that we are observant and aware of the work of our Lord’s mission to the nations, so that we too can engage in the harvest to which we are called.

To facilitate your awareness of what the Lord of the Harvest is doing through the ministry of Lutheran Brethren International Mission (LBIM) in Chad, we are excited to roll out the third in a series, “The Glimpse Project: Chad 3.0.”

In November of 2018, videographer Micah Nordtvedt, CLB Director of Communications and Prayer Troy Tysdal, and LBIM Mission Mobilizer and Recruiter Dan Venberg traveled to Chad. They spent two weeks on the ground, conducting interviews with LBIM missionaries, Chadian LB missionaries, and with Chadians impacted by our efforts.

The resulting stories and video footage have been compiled and developed into a series of twelve short and powerful videos that provide a “glimpse” into the work that God is doing through LBIM in Chad. Themed episodes will focus on a variety of aspects of LBIM’s mission in Chad, including partnership with the Chadian Church, holistic ministries, unreached peoples, women’s ministries, opportunities for your engagement, and more.

These Glimpse videos will be an ideal resource to be shown as a “mission moment” during a worship service, in Sunday School classes, in Bible Studies, or other small groups.

In the coming months, we will roll out these episodes to all CLB congregations, along with suggestions on how they can be used to leverage awareness and engagement in this mission.

We are excited to share this Glimpse Project with you. We trust you will be blessed by it and that as you view these episodes, you will better see the fields of spiritual harvest in Chad and next door.

Rev. Matthew Rogness serves the Church of the Lutheran Brethren as Director of Lutheran Brethren International Mission.

Counting It All Joy
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