I grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota a few blocks away from the house that my father grew up in. I now live with my incredible wife Holly in the same neighborhood, a few blocks away from my father and mother. We look forward to having children who will also get to experience the joy of having their grandparents a short walk away! I was baptized and raised Lutheran and began attending Oak Hill LBC in 5th grade (2005). I never left. After graduating from Bethel University and working for a few years in finance, I began studying at Seminary and accepted a role at Oak Hill as the Youth Director. I currently serve as the Director of Community Life and have been so blessed to see God at work allowing me to serve the congregation that helped me grow as a person and in my faith. 

From my earliest memories, I felt called to ministry. I began to be affirmed in such a calling when I was in middle school and always knew that I would end up in Seminary someday. As I waited on the Lord to see where he was guiding me in my finance career, it slowly but surely became evident that I was going to be in ministry sooner than I imagined. As I began to seriously consider Seminary in 2018, the Lord began opening doors and clearing a path so wide that even a cautious man like me felt comfortable moving forward. I have always been drawn to the preaching of the Word and the spiritual care of people. Even in times when I’ve thought I couldn’t do it, the Lord was faithful in using me. I’m so thankful to have this opportunity to love people, to learn more about God’s Word, and to use the gifts he has given me to help build his kingdom. There is nothing on earth more fulfilling for me than to sit down with a person and get to hear his or her story—both the good and the bad—and talk about how the Lord moves in the Word and life. 

Drew Skog is a second-year seminarian at Lutheran Brethren Seminary and serves as the director of community life at Oak Hill Church in Bloomington, Minnesota. 

What Does the Word Say?
Why Jesus?