Splash & Dash 2016


All students are invited to return to Wisconsin Dells this summer for Splash&Dash. S&D is a 30-hour getaway at the Dells in partnership with several of our sister churches.

We meet at 5 pm in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where we will stay for the night. While there, we will enjoy dinner, a large group activity, worship, a speaker and a bunch of late night activities. In the morning we will enjoy breakfast and depart by 8 AM for Mt. Olympus.

Groups are invited to stay at the park as long as they want and to return home when they see fit.

The cost is $28 per student and $18 per adult. Students should be prepared to pay for two meals out of their pocket.

Central Region Worship Retreat at I-Point
Letter to Area Churches - Mission/Outreach Opportunity