LBS President




David was born near Eau Claire, Wisconsin and raised on a dairy farm. He was baptized and confirmed at Bethesda Lutheran Church. Through the ministry of that congregation God brought him to an understanding of himself as a sinner and to the assurance of God’s forgiveness through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The congregation nurtured him in this faith and in a subsequent calling to ministry. He was a math major at Western Washington State College where he earned a bachelor’s degree in 1971. After serving in three Lutheran Brethren congregations and after dairy farming for ten years, he returned to school and graduated from the Lutheran Brethren

Seminary in 1990. He then served Bethel Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls, MN until 2005. During these years he completed a Doctor of Ministry degree at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul. In 2005 he began teaching Practical Theology at the Lutheran Brethren Seminary and began serving as its president in 2006. In 1971 he married Crystal Overland. They have two grown sons, six grandchildren, and one great-great child. David and Crystal reside in Fergus Falls, MN.

Phone: 218-739-3375
Email: Click Here