I am remembering the serene blue waters of the Delaware River flowing along next to the winding tree-covered country lane leading to Tuscarora Inn & Conference Center. I’m remembering the excited voices and smiles of women reunited as friends, and others meeting for the first time. I’m remembering young women, moms, and grandmothers who were moved to tears listening to a mother and her two daughters sharing a story of tragedy with us, but also the grace and hope they had because of Jesus. Do you remember Women’s Ministries Convention 2011 with Cindy Geraghty and her daughters Ellen and Anne? Or 2013 at Warm Beach, near Seattle, Washington with Trisch Johnson challenging us with the project Mercy Guinebor in Chad, Africa? How about 2015 in Minot, North Dakota with Stephanie Chell sharing God’s strength revealed in the crisis of Minot’s flood? Each of these WMCLB conventions were held in conjunction with one of our Regional Biennial Conventions. Each drew many women from the Region in which it was held, but drew some women from other Regions, as well.

This year, on June 24, 2017, we will again join the Eastern Region Biennial Convention at Tuscarora for our Annual WMCLB convention—this time more fully integrated with their schedule. We hope you will join us, whether you live in the Eastern Region or want to visit the East! You’re invited to come for the entire family-friendly weekend! If you can’t stay the whole weekend, come for the day, and definitely join us for our WMCLB Luncheon Saturday at 12:30, where we’ll hear from our guest speaker, missionary Sandy Christofferson, as well as share updates, and hold elections.

Here We Stand. On Grace. As the Church. For the World. This is the theme for our day and the weekend. Saturday begins with a plenary session at 9:30 a.m., followed by two seminar sessions before lunch. Choices are varied, including sessions by Lutheran Brethren Seminary professors Dr. Veum and Dr. Boe, missionaries Ethan and Sandy Christofferson, the recent mission team to Chad, Youth Ministry with Andrew Little, Evangelism with Church Planter Erick Sorensen, and Choosing Bible Studies with interim Women’s Ministries Chair Barbara Heggland.

Saturday afternoon will be a fun time of games and fellowship for everyone, including children, billed as a “Coney Island” experience! Evening activities include a banquet for everyone, a joint worship service with Women’s Ministries as the ministry spotlight, communion, and church cluster group fellowship. (Check the schedule for additional opportunities: clba.org/here-we-stand-2017)

Registration is open at http://www.tuscarora.org/clb-convention-2017/. We ask everyone to register there, whether they plan to come for the weekend, the day, or even just the luncheon. Costs are as follows: Day Guest Rates (no lodging) for Adults: $5 per day or $10 for the weekend, plus the cost of meals, $10 Breakfast, $12 Lunch, $15 Supper or Sunday Noon Dinner. Children: 0-5 years FREE, 6-12 years 50% of Day Guest Rate. Costs for lodging on-site at Tuscarora vary according to your choice of accommodation.

We hope to see many of you there in June!

Cheryl Olsen is the Faith & Fellowship correspondent for Women’s Ministries of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.

Visit: www.WMCLB.com

Graceful Giving
A Big Story