Youth Blog – Your Youth Ministry Voice from Church of the Lutheran Brethren on Vimeo.

For the last ten years I’ve been serving the CLB on a part time basis doing youth ministry communications on behalf of our church family and for the benefit primarily of our youth workers. I enjoy writing blog posts, pointing people to ministry opportunities, being in the loop with churches seeking youth ministry staff and communicating continuing education opportunities and being a part of our Youth Convention.

I took the last 6 months off from blogging to be a part of a task force set up by CLB leadership to study how to most effectively reach out to young adults. During that time, I kept adding to my list ideas for potential blog posts BUT then something hit me along the way.

What hit me was that we have many youth workers in our church family who might be able to lend a voice to our youth workers blog. I want to encourage our youth workers to consider writing articles for our blog.

Here would be the expectations for writing

  1. Length of post: 1-2 single spaced pages submitted as a Word Document
  2. You provide a short bio about yourself (2-4 sentences) and a picture of yourself
  3. A thorough grammatical check occurs
  4. You help us promote the article
  5. If willing, we would welcome a second version of your article submitted as a video file.
    1. This file could be submitted as a YouTube link or as a downloadable file from the cloud.
    2. This video should be shot using a tripod or stable (non-shaking) camera
    3. This video should be submitted in its most final edited form
  6. Articles are focused on the following topics
    1. Youth Ministry Culture
    2. Administrating and Youth Ministry
    3. Technology helps for youth workers
    4. Responding to issues in students’ lives
    5. Ministry to parents
    6. Theological issues impacting youth ministry
    7. Teaching methods and ideas for teaching
    8. Ministry and your personal life
    9. Additional topics are welcomed

Please note that there is no compensation for participating in this.

To submit an article, please send it to

Mark Johannesen at



By Rev. Mark Johannesen

YC17: Break Every Chain