I also had the privilege of stopping by to visit our congregation in Bergenfield, Calvary LBC. Enjoyed a good visit with Erling and Ellen Stedjan, and a tour around the community and church. (Looking forward to stopping by to connect with Calvary’s new pastor, Daniel Stenberg on my next trip east!) Calvary’s historic mission statement reminds me of (& impassions me with) a sense of Jesus’ words at the end of the string of parables we will be immersed in at next summer’s CLB Biennial Convention. The final line in the string of parables is where we will land the last morning of convention, around this promise and summoning: “every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old. (Matt 13:52)”


Message at Funeral Service for Pastor Werdal
The Mission, Paramus, NJ