Emperors, dictators, kings and heads of state have ruled over powerful nations, rising and falling throughout time. God’s Kingdom is not of this world, Jesus said, and yet he profoundly impacted every life he touched. His Kingdom still stands! Through many centuries, citizens of this Kingdom, believers in this eternal King, have also impacted individuals and communities their lives have touched. Today, we too, pray for his Kingdom to come to us, and through us.

On Saturday, June 9, 2018, 9:15 am – 4 pm, at Bethel LBC, Fergus Falls, Minnesota: Women of the CLB will unite to praise this Eternal King!

Ruth Vallevik and Gretchen Ronnevik, morning presenters, will lead us in two aspects of the theme:

Thy Kingdom Come…through your Word to us: Focusing on praise to our King, Ruth Vallevik (Director of Women’s Ministries of the CLB), explores the questions, “What does the ‘Kingdom of God’ really mean, and how does a believer in Christ live as a child of the Kingdom?”

Thy Kingdom Come…through us to the world: Focusing on Inter-Generational Women’s Ministry, Gretchen Ronnevik (farm wife, homeschool mom, blogger and knitting designer), shares a gospel-centered approach to mentoring, and how Law and Gospel changes how we interact with younger generations.

Missionary greetings, including a “Surprise Guest” from overseas, and an introduction to “Vision 2020” will continue to show us God’s Kingdom. Kingdom-bonding during our luncheon will be followed by ministry updates, strategic planning for our part in the Kingdom, and two afternoon workshop blocks for practical equipping:

1. Revitalize! A Fresh Approach to Women’s Ministry by Jeri Nellermoe, Moorhead, Minnesota

God’s truth never changes, but sometimes our ministry style needs a makeover! Jeri, Women’s Ministry Director at Triumph LBC, shares how new ideas are helping to revitalize ministry to women.

2. Gospel Mentoring by Gretchen Ronnevik, Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Gretchen will expand on how the Bible lays out an inter-generational relationship, powered by God, not us; as part of the design of the church, not a side program. How can we teach younger women in a way that won’t just change their own lives, but the lives of those in their families and communities?

3. Japanese Ministries: an Outreach Model by Sue Olson, Seattle, Washington

God has given each of us life experiences for the purpose of connecting with people in the place we are now. Who might you connect with and how? Sue, Pacific Region North Women’s Ministries President and Japanese Ministry leader with her husband, Roger, will tell us how God is using Japanese Ministries in Seattle to share the gospel with those who have never heard.

4. Bible Study…or Book Club?? by Barbara Heggland, Cape Coral, Florida

“Women in the Word Together” is one of our main goals. Barbara, Women’s Ministries National Chairman, will share how we can be discerning as we choose and use material for our small group studies, in a world full of so many choices.

Pray for God to work in and through us, during this first “Day of Equipping” of the 2018 CLB Biennial Convention! Register for this Women’s Event ($25 includes luncheon and free nursery through age 3) by May 25 at www.ffbooks.org/bc18-registration/ or use the registration blanks sent to your local church.

Cheryl Olsen is the Faith & Fellowship correspondent for Women’s Ministries of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.

Focus: Stewardship
Arrow Corps: A Disciple-Making Movement