Paul asks prayer for wise choices for the next families that come to their community for missionary training this fall. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring those He calls.


Pray for Ethan Christofferson as he prepares to teach a class at the Hakka Mission Seminary this fall. Pray that he would have wisdom as he works with students.


Pray for Pastor Haruya Itoh, the Japanese pastor at House of Hope who has joined Dean and Linda Bengtson in reaching out to their neighborhood. Pray that he will find favor with those in the community as he shares the gospel.


Nathanael and Carrie ask prayer for Jean-Baptiste, a teacher at the mission school, who is in a long recovery from gout complications that make it hard for him to walk. Pray for his wife Marceline, who is cultivating their peanut fields while five months...


Roger and Sue Olson reach out to Japanese college students in the Seattle area. The Japanese Ministries program at Rock of Ages LB Church has been an effective way to bring the gospel to these students and other Japanese living in the area. Pray that the Holy Spirit...