Dean and Linda Bengtson ask for prayer for Pastor Haruya Itoh and a local musician friend, Morioka-san, who are performing at the neighborhood summer festival today. Pray for Pastor Haruya as he continues making friends in the neighborhood.


Pray for Timothy, as he manages the Lutheran Welcome Center while Jeremy and Sallee are on home assignment. May the Center continue to be a place of rest, renewal and gathering for missionaries in Chad.


Ben and Sara Hosch and family have returned to Taiwan from their three-month home assignment. Pray for their children’s adjustments back to school and for Feng Jia University to open to the public so they can build relationships with students.


Please pray for safety for Matt and Christina and family during travels to Arizona, Colorado, and Kansas this month. Pray for good visits with family, friends, and churches as they prepare to leave for Chad in September.