Grandma Guo & Sandy Christofferson have resumed their daily walks after Sandy’s summer home assignment. Pray that as Sandy shares Bible stories with her, Grandma Guo’s eyes would be opened to the gospel.


Tomorrow is the last day of our Chad team’s annual retreat & conference. Pray for good closure as Dan Venberg meets with the team to discuss & pray about the mission in Chad. Thank God for the week of teaching, worship, & fellowship.


Pray for Ben & Sara Hosch’s children to have a good year at school & to make good friends in the community. Pray for openings to participate in community activities to connect them with more people.


David is sharing Scripture with some local men. One man in particular is asking many good questions about Jesus & his divinity, & he wants to know how to get to heaven. Pray that God’s Word will draw these men to faith.


Miss Ming’s mother & brother have been studying the Bible weekly for over six months. Pray for Ethan Christofferson & his ministry partners as they work to bring these seekers closer to Christ.