Tomorrow is graduation at China Lutheran Seminary. June 18 is graduation at the Hakka Mission Seminary.  Pray for the graduates as they go out to serve the Lord in their new callings.


Pray for Paul and Alexa Fraser, ministry interns at Japanese Ministries in Seattle. Pray for their Japanese language studies and their ministry to Japanese students. May God bless their witness to these students as He prepares them for future ministry in Japan. Pray...


Paul and Teresa ask prayer for wisdom as they work with Chadian missionaries in training, that they can wisely discern how best to mentor these couples with spiritual and cultural insight.


Pray for Ben and Sara Hosch and children as they are on home assignment. The pandemic has been hard on all of us, but it has been particularly hard on missionaries. Pray for quality time for rest and spending time with their families.


Pray for Fran, a teenager who has recently joined Ethan and Sandy Christofferson’s weekly English Bible discussion group. She is very engaged as Sandy leads a discussion based on a Bible story each week. Pray for her salvation.