Roger & Sue Olson have 2½ months remaining with their current group of Japanese students. Pray for continued good relations & for God to open hearts to the gospel. May God use their outreach to students & young families to show their love, but mostly...


Nathanael & Carrie report that the rainy season is ending. It has been full of illness for missionary families in Chad, including their own. Pray for complete healing before they move back to the bush next month. Happy 4th birthday to Clement today!


Mike & Delores Kittelson ask prayer for the part-time outreach worker at Hsinchu Victory LB Church. May this worker & the church partner together in love, patience, & wisdom as they follow the Spirit’s leading in proclaiming the gospel to others.


LBIM missionaries & a team from Triumph LBC in Moorhead are gathering for a conference to be held the 19th through the 26th. Pray for safe travel & good health for everyone. Pray for all to be ministered to by God’s Word.