David & Sonja ask prayer for good roads as they travel to the capital for the LBIM missionary conference. The seasonal rains can make travel challenging. Pray that they can arrive without much trouble.


Sara Hosch enjoys having conversations in Mandarin with neighbors, & recently discovered a language school near their home. She thanks God for her comprehension & ability to use the vocabulary she already has.


Pray that Matt & Christina can find good language teachers as they continue their language studies. Pray too for their children as they begin homeschooling.


Mike & Delores Kittelson have begun cleaning out their house in preparation for moving back to the US in December.   Pray for them as they sort, pack, ship, & give away or discard their belongings.  Happy birthday to Delores today.


Pray for Daniel & Nancy as they join a Chadian team in their village to evangelize the local people. Pray for grace for everyone to adjust to one another & to find their places in teamwork.  Happy 5th birthday to Joy!