Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

If you were to lump together the sense of family, friends, and feasting of Thanksgiving, the deep well of tradition at Christmas, and the pomp and celebration of New Year’s Day, that may get you close to what Lunar New Year is like. It is arguably the oldest and most...
One Little Word Shall Fell Him

One Little Word Shall Fell Him

I am becoming ever more convinced that the Western world doesn’t know quite what to do with the character of Satan. And by all accounts it seems that my hypothesis may be correct. A 2009 study by George Barna found that 59% of those who claimed to be Christian agreed...
A Familiar Foreigner

A Familiar Foreigner

On our first trip to RT Mart, my daughter asked me, “Why is everyone staring at us?” The only good answer I had was this: “Because we look strange.” With blonde hair and blue eyes, my children stick out like sore thumbs in the hustle and bustle of Hsinchu, Taiwan. We...
Here I Stand: Public Theology

Here I Stand: Public Theology

The phrase public theology is one I have seen quite often lately. Now, to those of us who live in the Western world, such a phrase seems like an oxymoron. We’ve been told that religion and spirituality are private things, that there is a split between the sacred and...