Wonderful Adventure

Wonderful Adventure

I live in the very heart of Africa, 200 miles from the nearest paved road, in a region cut off by water in every direction for four months out of the year. Sound exotic? Exciting? It kind of is—until we run into other people. There are 5,000 of them in our village, so...
Crazy Promise

Crazy Promise

I would love to sit down and chat with King David. Particularly, I would ask him about Psalm 16. Because in verse 10 (ESV) he makes this earth-shattering statement: You will not let your holy one see corruption. If you don’t see what I’m getting at, try the New Living...
Can You Build a School for Us?

Can You Build a School for Us?

Terach (pictured above with his family), from our CLB Chadian Church, will be moving his family to serve as director of the new school. Can you build a school for us?” “Uh, no.” That’s pretty much how that phone conversation went. My family and I had left our village...
On Mission

On Mission

One time Jesus’ disciple Philip wanted to see God. I would like to see God too. I think it is a very human desire. I see so much that is negative. Every day I see sickness and suffering. I see perversion and hatred. I see death. Sometimes I also see love and joy, but...