

People are often known primarily for what they have done. In fact, we tend to define who people are by what they have accomplished in life. Someone may be described as a pro football player, a scratch golfer, the CEO of a large company, a doctor, a pastor, a teacher,...
Engaging Our Neighbors

Engaging Our Neighbors

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus made it clear that everyone with whom we come in contact is our neighbor. Jesus used the example of someone from Samaria being the neighbor to a beaten and dying Jew. Normally, Jews and Samaritans had nothing to do with each...
One Little Word!

One Little Word!

One of my favorite hymns is Martin Luther’s A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. The second part of the first verse paints a pretty bleak picture of our position on earth compared to the Prince of Darkness: For still our ancient foe… doth seek to work us woe  His craft...
When He Shall Come

When He Shall Come

I have always loved the hymn When He Shall Come by Almeda J. Pearce. I love it in part because it has a great crescendo in the middle of each verse which resolves into a finale that sounds as if there is more coming. And there is! When He shall come  resplendent in...
Living from the Other Side

Living from the Other Side

A popular song over the last few years is titled, Hello. One repeated line of the song is, “Hello from the other side.” The singer is lamenting that she now sees things differently from “the other side” after walking away from someone who meant a lot to her at one...