Bringing the Gospel

Bringing the Gospel

When you saw the title, Engage, for this issue of Faith & Fellowship, it may have led you to pause and think about one or two of the following questions. Let’s look at how the Bible would address them. Before I bring the gospel to my neighbor, should I prepare...
The Vine and Branches

The Vine and Branches

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”—John 15:5 There is a forest across the street from our home. It is dense with trees, bushes and vines. I have never seen any fruit...
Everyone is Seeking Fulfillment

Abortion is a Symptom

Outrage! Anger! Murder! We may struggle with these and many other thoughts as we see the reports of the laws that have been proposed, and even passed, by state legislatures allowing the killing of babies up to and even after the moment of birth! The brutality and...
No Contest

No Contest

Jesus Christ is holy. I am not. Jesus Christ is pure. I am not. Jesus Christ is good. I am not. Jesus Christ is sinless. I am not. Jesus Christ is righteous. I am not. Jesus Christ is the sacrifice accepted by God for the sins of the world. I am not (not even for my...