Pivot Point

Pivot Point

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV). The death and resurrection of Jesus is not a story told to teach us something. It is not a fable or wishful thinking. It is not...
The Big Lie

The Big Lie

Why is the message of the cross such an affront to our old natures? Why is the world so antagonistic towards God’s offer of salvation? Why do some people believe that Christians are uninformed simpletons in need of rehabilitation? Why does Hollywood consistently...
Scripture Alone: Stewardship

Scripture Alone: Stewardship

There are many areas of Scripture where we are tempted to add to or subtract from what the Word tells us. Justification by faith alone, for example. This truth has been plagued through the centuries by those who would add to Scripture when it comes to our salvation....