In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye

On June 20, 2007, I was working a trade show in Dallas with a good friend. We are both big baseball fans, so we decided at the last minute to buy tickets to the Rangers game. We knew before purchasing our tickets that the game could be historically significant, and we...
Knowing God

Knowing God

My first job was working at a grocery store. I carried out groceries, stocked shelves, unloaded trucks. It was the perfect job for a sixteen-year-old boy. But the thing I want you to know about my first job is that I didn’t apply for it. I didn’t turn in a resumé or...
Crawl to the Rock

Crawl to the Rock

There are moments in our lives, when we are tempted to believe that we have arrived—that we’ve reached the top. Coming to faith can feel like one such moment. It is freeing, liberating, empowering, when you realize that Jesus Christ has taken your sin to the cross and...
Behind the Storm

Behind the Storm

On February 26, 2020, a little over two weeks before the severity of the Coronavirus became common knowledge in North America, my wife and I boarded a plane with our two boys—one nine years old and the other six. We were flying from Minneapolis to Orlando on a family...
The Prophet in the Pit

The Prophet in the Pit

Joseph woke early, and for a moment forgot he was in a dungeon. He pictured himself back at his father’s side, wearing his royal coat—the coat his father had given him as a gift. The false reality was comforting, and for a second Joseph felt peace, but the damp cool...