Lost Sheep

Lost Sheep

One evening, before I knew Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was working a trade show in Atlanta, Georgia. At the end of the day I went for a walk. Unfamiliar with the city, I soon found myself alone in a rough part of town. Realizing I was out of my element, I gathered my...
Editors Note: Chasing After the Wind

Editors Note: Chasing After the Wind

The Bible tells us the story of a king who was blessed with wisdom, wealth, and power. The king was admired and loved by his people, and rulers throughout the world came to seek his counsel. Yet, the king was unhappy. The Bible tells us that he sought to change that....
Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas

Christmas Eve dinner cooked and waiting on the table. The presents wrapped and under the tree. The children anxious and ready to get started, but mother insisting that they wait for father. He had been scheduled to work the day shift at the local production...
The Die is Cast

The Die is Cast

There are moments in history that shape the future. Some of these moments are obvious, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, or the terrorist attack on 9/11. If you lived through one of those moments, you understood that something...