King me!

King me!

If you have ever played Checkers, then you’ve probably been frustrated by the limited movement of the stones (the pieces). The stones move in one direction. They cannot move to the left or to the right, nor can they turn back. Their only option is straight across the...
Editor’s Note: Created in His Image

Editor’s Note: Created in His Image

I was 28 years old when I came to faith in Jesus Christ. It’s not the path I would choose if I could do it all again. I would prefer to live my entire life as a follower of Christ, yet I can see how coming to faith as an adult has given me a unique perspective on my...
I Need a Sign

I Need a Sign

I was raised in a Christian home, but somewhere along the way I left the Christian faith. I wanted proof of God’s existence. I can remember asking him for a sign. I wanted him to rip open the sky, or at least give me a burning bush. Moses got a burning bush. He was in...
The Servant and the Master

The Servant and the Master

I buckled my son into his seat and set him up with a video game that I hoped would hold his attention for most of the flight. With the boy thoroughly distracted I pulled the Bible from my carry-on bag and thought to myself, “If the video game does its job, I’ll have...
Rebuild It

Rebuild It

My oldest son loves playing with Lego blocks. He likes to build airplanes, cars, castles, and homes. He constructs small cities and develops complex story lines in which each Lego character plays an important role. It seems there is no end to his creativity. My...