Editor’s Note: God is NOT in the Noise

Editor’s Note: God is NOT in the Noise

In the Old Testament we are given the story of a prophet named Elijah. Because of the corruption around him, Elijah falsely believed he was the last follower of God in Israel. After a brave encounter with those who desired to silence him, Elijah retreated to a cave...
Not That!

Not That!

A few years back, I was called to the local hospital to visit a parishioner before surgery. As I entered the building, I stopped at the front desk to pick up my identification badge and check in with hospital staff. They informed me of the room number I was looking...
Deep Water

Deep Water

Mark Twain said, “Faith is believing what one knows is not true.” He was wrong—at least as it pertains to Christian faith. Faith is not believing in something we know is not true. That definition ignores and denies the experience of Christ’s apostles, whose faith was...
No Turning Back

No Turning Back

I had just finished lunch and it was time to return to work. As I left the restaurant, I looked down the street and saw an old acquaintance standing on the sidewalk about a block away. It had been almost twenty years since our paths had crossed and I was anxious to...