The recordings

Audio recordings are available to stream below. These workshop recordings are also available on the CLB mobile app for easy access.

Session One

June 13 / 3:15-4:00 PM


Current Ministry Challenges and Opportunities in Taiwan

Room: Multi-Purpose Room

Taiwan is a global leader in microchip technology, but also home to 15,000 temples and strong traditional religious beliefs. Taiwan has religious freedom and some large churches, but only 3.3% of the population is Evangelical Christian. Taiwan has a growing pool of intellectual leaders, but also a large unreached, grassroots, working-class population. How is LBIM focusing on evangelism and outreach in response to these demographic shifts in Taiwan?


Invitation: The Posture of Disciple-Making

Room: GS Kids Room

What is the posture of a disciple maker? Sometimes it is hard to know how to approach the role of disciple-maker, but the posture we start from can make all the difference. Join us as we explore the foundations of our approach to making disciples, starting with our own place in this process, using the imagery from Psalm 1.


The Discipleship and Shepherding of Women

Room: Fellowship Hall

From the sexual revolution, to debate over Biblical womanhood, women returning to the workplace, the homeschooling movement among Christians, to the #MeToo movement: inter-generational discipleship of women has become harder and disjointed, and distance is often created between women and their pastors. It often leads to either a workaholic participation in church, or complete disengagement. We’ll talk about these various challenges to the goal: getting the gospel to women, and discipling them in sound doctrine.


Equipping Elders to Disciple the Church: A Team Approach to Shepherding

Room: Youth Room

The New Testament shows that elders, carefully chosen and vetted according to Scriptural qualifications, have been called by the Holy Spirit to shepherd Christ’s church. When adequately equipped and given the opportunity to rise to the level of their calling, elders become effective disciple-makers who graciously and humbly enrich the spiritual life of the congregation.


Justification, Forgiveness of Sins, and Absolution

Room: Sanctuary

When were you justified? When were your sins forgiven? Join Dr. Boe in exploring how the Scriptures speak to these and related matters.

Session Two

June 13 / 4:10-4:55 PM


120 Years in China: LBIM and the Power of Mission Partnership

Room: Multi-Purpose Room

In this workshop, we will survey the 120-year history of CLB mission work in China as an example of what partnership in mission can look like across many decades and generations. While the specific forms of partnership may change across time, the underlying spiritual principles of oneness and fruitfulness whenever we enter into koinonia with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ remain constant.


Relationship to Discipleship: Where We Live, Work, & Play

Room: GS Kids Room

“Go and make disciples of all nations…” we’ve heard this time and time again. And nearly every Christian would agree that this is the mission Jesus gave his disciples and us. The question is not what he called us to, but how he equips us to do it. In this workshop we will look at Jesus’ calling to us and why it matters in the world today. We will also be equipped with tools at the ready, so when the opportunities come in the promised plentiful harvest, we will be prepared and ready to not just share the Gospel, but have conversations that matter and begin relationships that will have eternal impact.


Growing Together: Helping Children & Families Connect with their Church Family, their Eternal Impact

Room: Fellowship Hall

What does it mean to be a part of God’s family? What does the body of Christ look like across age spans and geographical lines? We will look briefly at intergenerational ministry and explore examples of the many varied ways this can happen. Then we will look specifically at a free, short-term curriculum developed for the CLB that helps connect churches—and people of all ages — with the Lutheran Brethren denomination and international missions.


Giving Away the Church to the Next Generation

Room: Youth Room

In this seminar we will examine the opportunity before the church to give the next generation opportunities to lead. We will examine how this happens as seasoned leaders mentor younger leaders and allow them to lead in their churches. The session will conclude with a panel discussion from some of our churches who are giving away the church to the next generation.


What Business does a Businessman have to do with the Business of the Church?

Room: Sanctuary

It can be challenging for a lay person sitting in the pew of his/her local church to feel connected or valuable to the body of churches that make up the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. But individual ownership and engagement is vital to the health of not only the local congregation but to the greater Church. This seminar will provide a lay person’s perspective and experience in the blessing of intentionally engaging the mission of the Church.