At times in our ministry among the Hakka people in Taiwan, we work with older people. Our prayer is that they would have days of clarity so that we and their family members can share with them that there is a God who loves them and that Jesus has died for them. Mr. Yap is one of these people. His wife, daughter and son-in-law are all Christians and have been sharing the gospel with him. In earlier times, his answer was, “You can believe what you want, I will believe what I want.” This is a difficult answer to hear for those who know that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. So the family has persevered in showing God’s love and continuing to share Jesus with him.

Recently, Mr. Yap had a serious respiratory infection. We had opportunities to visit him both at home and in the hospital. Since he returned home from the hospital in October, we have shared the message in word and song with him several times. His mind has been clearer. During one of these visits, along with other Victory Hakka Fellowship members, Michael talked about the heavenly Father who created us, and Jesus his Son who died for us. Finally, Michael asked, “Would you like to believe in Jesus?” Mr. Yap’s response was, “Yes, I would.” Then Michael led him in a prayer to invite Jesus into his heart. After praying, we encouraged him by telling him, “The heavenly Father now calls you his son.”

Following this occasion when Mr. Yap prayed to receive Jesus, he again developed a fever that required his hospitalization. To his family’s amazement, in his feverish state Mr. Yap called out Jesus’ name! We pray that he would have many clear days to learn and understand more of God’s promises and that we could guide him to receive the blessing of baptism in Jesus’ name.

Michael Kittelson and his wife Delores serve Lutheran Brethren International Mission as missionaries to the Hakka people of Taiwan.

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