
A number of years ago, people at Bethel Church in Fergus Falls started to pray and dream about the role they could play in spreading the gospel to neighboring communities. Through the leadership of Bethel, and in partnership with North American Mission, the dream of planting a second campus is now a reality.

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, “I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” What a builder Jesus is!

This past year Jesus has been building his church through a number of different ministries at Bethel–Battle Lake… Sunday School, worship services, Life Groups, youth group, men’s and women’s Bible studies, Summer Day Camp.

Bethel–Battle Lake community events included… a laser tag youth event, Wenonga Days Kids’ Carnival, a community clean-up day, and human foosball at Pumpkin Fest.

Here are some stories of how Jesus is building his church at Bethel–Battle Lake…

A parent of one of our youth group students sent me this email:

“Our daughter has never been excited about going to church, church events, and youth group—or even picking up the Bible. But now we cannot get out the door fast enough to get to youth group. After each of the last two youth group meetings she was excited to share what she had learned, and my wife and I can see the Word of God becoming real to her. She shared with us the verses you shared with the group last night and was so excited to tell us all about it. We have never seen this excitement for God… what’s happening at youth group is changing the lives of our youth!”

A dad of a new family that we’ve connected with just shared this… “We are so thankful that Bethel came to Battle Lake. We had given up on the Church and religion. But now our family has been coming to Bethel and seeing that God hasn’t given up on us.”

It doesn’t get any better than being a part of God’s mission in Battle Lake and being used by Jesus to build his Church!

Rev. Kevin Foss is campus pastor for Bethel–Battle Lake in Battle Lake, MN.

Grace—Lincoln, ND
A Way Forward