Turn Back the Clock

Turn Back the Clock

Several years ago, my wife and I were having a morning cup of coffee on our porch, discussing a future landscape project. I was standing near the edge of the porch and hardly noticed the five-year-old pushing against me with all his might. He was trying to test his...
We Have a Death Problem

We Have a Death Problem

What is the common theme in the news today? No matter the day, time, or channel, the news is always about some problem(s) or issue(s). This causes me to wonder, is there any earthly thing that can’t be corrupted because of sin? Take a moment to think about that. The...
How Much More…

How Much More…

Call me crazy, but I get a little excited when my ten-year-old daughter approaches me with a necklace she has found hiding in her coat pocket for the past month. More than once this has happened over the years. She gives me a sheepish look and hands over the long,...
Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

On our farm in Wisconsin, we had apple trees, and a variety of other fruit. Each produced fruit according to its kind. Each had its own flavor. Each variety was fruit that we as a family enjoyed. In John 15 Jesus shares a parable. He says, “I am the vine; you are the...