Options in Confirmation

I recently asked two different questions on the pastors Facebook page regarding confirmation. 1. What are you doing in regards to your confirmation program? 2. If you could change anything about your confirmation program, what would you change? I’m going to take a run...

IPoint Equips with Walt Mueller

For about three years of my pastoral life, youth ministry was not the primary ministry hat I wore because I was serving in a Sr. Pastor role but soon after I returned into a youth ministry dominant role I was challenged by how so many things had changed in youth...

Moving Beyond ME

This might be too much information….so if you don’t like disgusting things, skip to the next paragraph. A few months ago I was sick. I mean sicker than sick. I mean, I couldn’t keep anything in. Oh, did I mention it was a Wednesday night? It was, so what did...

Ministering to a Generation at Risk

In a span of two months we had two high school students tragically killed in our town. One was a core student from our youth ministry and the other was a student many of the students in our church knew. When the first student passed, a student from our youth group...

Embracing the Mess

Embracing the Mess 2.0 – A low-cost and disgustingly good time Please note: This post originally was made available in the summer of 2012 at http://clbnetwork.org/2012/08/13/embracing-the-mess/ The following is a slightly updated version of that post with new...

I Don’t Have Time for This

A few months ago I wrote a post on doing things well and I guess this post could relate very much to that post. Today I’m going after how sometimes we just don’t communicate well with others. For example, when someone leaves a phone message for us, rather then calling...