Church Junkies

One of my loves in ministry is the church. I grew up in a great church (Hillside in Succasunna, NJ) and have been on staff at three great churches which I absolutely loved, and because of that history and because of how great the church has been often in my life I...


E-value-ation from Church of the Lutheran Brethren on Vimeo. There is a good chance that one of your end-of-the-year assignments is to write an annual report. Every year I put it off until the due date because it seems to me like one of the least significant things I...

Ministry and Broken Homes

Ministry and Broken Homes from Church of the Lutheran Brethren on Vimeo. My parents just celebrated their 41st anniversary, so for myself growing up, I had a very traditional family. On top of that, looking back, I would estimate that 80% of my friends’ families...

Book Review: Sticky Faith Launch Kit

Book Review: Sticky Faith Launch Kit About three years ago I read Sticky Faith and fell in love with its offerings and suggestions to push back against the trends that happen with students in our churches dropping out from them after High School. Following that first...

An Open Letter to Parents

by Mark Johannesen An Open Letter to Parents If I had to write a thesis paper on youth ministry, I would make it a paper about parents and the church. In all my years of working with students I have consistently seen the value that a parent has in passing on their...