by Mark Johannesen | CLB Youth
As I closed out my ministry at Triumph this summer I had an opportunity to take a few students out go-karting. That sounds fun, and it was. I did my best to pass the finish line before them and at times to rub bumpers and to cut in front of them because that’s how...
Your Youth Ministry Voice: Budgeting
by Faith & Fellowship | CLB Youth
This is another blog post in our series of posts written by our very own youth workers. This post comes to you from Eric Johnson, who is the Youth Director at Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
BC18 – Mark Matlock’s Youth Workers Session
by Faith & Fellowship | CLB Youth
In June of 2018 the CLB brought in Mark Matlock of Wisdom Works for our biennial youth workers continuing education. Mark oversaw 6+ hours of teaching and interaction. Due to an upcoming book release of his, we are unable to publish our recording of the FIRST half of...
Take an Interest
by Mark Johannesen | CLB Youth, Faith & Fellowship magazine
I invite you to consider the following hypothetical stories: Picture Cory: a 14-year-old freshman in high school. He seems to be your typical suburbanite student, he plays on the JV football team, has solid grades, goes to church most Sundays and regularly goes to...
by Tyler Somers | CLB Youth
I was halfway through my fifth year of serving as the staffed youth minister of very small church. For the first time we began to see numerical growth in the Wednesday night youth group. This was an encouraging surprise since we had just put an end to our outreach...
Ideas to Survive a Lock-In
by Mark Johannesen | CLB Youth
As a kid who grew up going to youth group, I’m sure I went to 4 or 5 all-nighters by the time I was 17. I remember sneaking around late at night and having one of my pastors chase me down the hallway. Fast forward to when I was 22. By that time, I was a youth...