2016 Youth Workers Continuing Education

2016 Youth Workers Continuing Education

Youth Workers Continuing Education, Fergus Falls MN – July 16, 2016 Intense attention has been devoted to the realization that many, if not most, of our students are leaving active faith when they graduate high school, even those who were deeply involved and...
The Posture of Invitation – Part II

The Posture of Invitation – Part II

By Mark Johannesen The last time I wrote I wrote about welcoming visitors at our churches and at our youth groups. What I want to write on now relates to that topic. Five years ago, as I was starting to get to know students and families at our church, I met a single...
The Posture of Invitation – Part II

The Posture of Invitation – Part I

By Mark Johannesen In my last post I wrote how my family made the decision to change schools with our daughter. And without going into that change too much I can say that it has been a great move. A month ago her new school, which is a Christian school, hosted a...
The Exit

The Exit

After a few months of exploring options my family chose to change the school that our daughter attends from a public school to a Christian school. I’ve always been pro-public school, and I still am, but this time I’m at a crossroad with our local school system,...
IPoints Equips with Walt Mueller

IPoints Equips with Walt Mueller

For about three years of my pastoral life, youth ministry was not the primary ministry hat I wore because I was serving in a Sr. Pastor role but soon after I returned into a youth ministry dominant role I was challenged by how so many things had changed in youth...
CLB Central Region Worship Retreat

CLB Central Region Worship Retreat

The Central Region, along with Word of Life Lutheran Brethren Church in LeSueur, MN, is sponsoring a worship leaders retreat at IPOINT this fall. The cost is just $45 per person. During the weekend Professor Brad Pribbenow will lead 5 sessions designed to cover many...