Praise the Lord that Paul and Teresa completed their home assignment project of translating the Augsburg confession into simple, Chadian French for the church workers of Chad. Pray as they are now working on translating the Catechism.


Ethan Christofferson is discipling three college students in Taiwan via Zoom. Pray that they will hunger for God’s Word and grow spiritually, and that they will find a good church in the university town where they are living.


Dean and Linda Bengtson ask prayer for Ishinomaki House of Hope’s purchase of land for parking. Praise God that the Japan LB Church recognizes this need and is granting an interest free loan! Please pray for God’s provision of funds for repaying the loan.


Claire and Dan ask prayer for the Lord’s peace and confidence for Ashley (9) and Austin (7) as they begin the school year at a local English-speaking Christian school tomorrow.


August 15 – 17, 2022 is a retreat with the Chinese LB pastors.  May those who attend enjoy fellowship in God’s Word, encourage one another, and strengthen their bonds in working together.


68.5 million people have been forced to leave their homes worldwide, 25.4 million have left their country as refugees, 3.1 million are seeking asylum and can never return home. Pray for God’s people to reach the displaced people of the world with the gospel of...