Paul and Teresa ask prayer for Nicholas and Olympa, their students who now transition into ministry in another village among unreached peoples. They join Abel and Daniel and Nancy (our Taiwanese LBIM partners). Pray for grace and guidance to adjust to one another and...


Grandma Guo, a friend of Sandy Christofferson, goes back and forth about becoming a Christian. Pray for wisdom for Sandy as she reaches out to her. Pray for Grandma Guo’s salvation.


David and Sonja ask prayer for good health, as malaria has been increasing with the rains. This is also peanut harvest season. Largely a cash crop for the farmers, a good peanut harvest is important for sustaining their families.


A few teenage boys like to read Bible stories that David writes in the local dialect. Another friend of David and Sonja also comes regularly and likes to help correct new stories as David writes them. Pray that these stories will lead to more spiritual...


Pray for Mrs. Liu who has recently attended the Victory Hakka Fellowship.  Her daughter, Grace, wants her to hear more about Christ. Pray that Mrs. Liu will attend often, that friendships will develop so she will experience the blessings of knowing and following Jesus...