The CLB Sent

The CLB Sent

In Luke 10:2-4, Jesus gave this instruction to missionary teams as he sent them out: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among...
Fix Your Eyes on Christ

Fix Your Eyes on Christ

I grew up in a tight-knit Christian home. I was a very energetic, giggly little girl, because everything to me seemed perfect… until eighth grade. I had a big group of friends, but after a misunderstanding within my friend group, I began to be bullied. At first, I...
Lord Over the Coronavirus

Lord Over the Coronavirus

As I sat in my office on Thursday, March 12, the news was coming fast and furious. I could visit traditional news sites, but I didn’t have to. Scrolling through Facebook, nearly every post was related to the coronavirus. Link after link to various news sources, videos...
Editors Note: Chasing After the Wind

Editors Note: Chasing After the Wind

The Bible tells us the story of a king who was blessed with wisdom, wealth, and power. The king was admired and loved by his people, and rulers throughout the world came to seek his counsel. Yet, the king was unhappy. The Bible tells us that he sought to change that....
Making All Thing New

Making All Thing New

Danny Isaac states. His smile beams as the glaring sunlight bounces off his face. He sits tall in his wheelchair as he continues. “The past few years I’ve thought in my head, ‘Would I give up my wheelchair to walk again?’”At eight months old Danny’s life changed...
Turned Upside Down

Turned Upside Down

It was my freshman year of college and it was less than I’d imagined it to be. I had met God when I was fifteen at a conference in Minneapolis, and while I had hoped everything would change, I had found a competing love still living in my heart.Writing this paper, for...