Having an Epiphany

Having an Epiphany

All my life I knew what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a bad guy. A drug dealer. I carried it through and through.I started that life in eighth grade. I have been addicted to every drug there ever was, and I’ve tried everything there is to try. I sold everything, all...
Disarming Depression

Disarming Depression

I had driven to the campus one morning but turned around and drove home without even going to class. I blew off my parents’ concerned questions and headed for my room. They followed and found me lying with my face buried in my pillow. After more of their questions...
Were Safe Spaces Grow

Were Safe Spaces Grow

“We never really talked about it,” the young girl stated as we sat down. “Our school basically said you can’t because you might offend someone.”I grabbed my burger a little tighter and shifted in my chair. We had watched a movie about abortion before going out for...
Facing Anxiety

Facing Anxiety

It started subtly with me: a headache, stomachache, diarrhea all night, just when we started an intense Chadian Arabic class. I was able to get through class Thursday and Friday, but then my two-year-old got a fever, wasn’t eating well, became very crabby… Is it...
Editor’s Note: Created in His Image

Editor’s Note: Created in His Image

I was 28 years old when I came to faith in Jesus Christ. It’s not the path I would choose if I could do it all again. I would prefer to live my entire life as a follower of Christ, yet I can see how coming to faith as an adult has given me a unique perspective on my...
Life After Attempting Suicide

Life After Attempting Suicide

I vividly remember the night I made an attempt on my own life. My mind flashes back to March, three years ago. I had just gulped down several bottles of cough syrup and taken a wide array of painkillers straight up my nose. I was numb. I was bored with life, and...