On Suicide

On Suicide

Research suggests that up to 5% of the population (1 of every 20 people) may at least be thinking about the possibility of suicide.The good news: For most, suicidal thoughts ease as their situation changes, as they learn to cope, or as they develop new ways to see...
Living with Abortion

Living with Abortion

I had an abortion nine years ago. It still haunts me to this day.The abortion providers convinced me that abortion would fix my situation. They convinced me that it would open up doors to great opportunities. But really, it tore me apart to my core.Before that day...
Healing the Abortion Heart

Healing the Abortion Heart

Young people who grow up in a church are at risk for abortion. A recent Lifeway Research survey found that nearly 4 out of 10 women who have had abortions were attending church at least once a month.Another survey by the Guttmacher Institute shows that 54% of women...
Arrow Corps

Arrow Corps

The concept of Arrow Corps started a couple of years ago. As the CLB Mission Team worked through a strategic planning process, we recognized two significant needs in our denomination: 1) We have many churches that are in plateau or decline and 2) we do not have any...
Who Builds Your Value?

Who Builds Your Value?

I have a small but functional collection of hand tools on the work bench in my basement. The tool I most prize is probably my cordless drill. It’s the one that gets used all the time. Its many nicks and scuffs tell the stories of numerous projects throughout the...