by Danny B. | Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission
‘Twas Christmas Day, and all through the house things were being packed up. With only four days left before our departure for Chad, the small artificial tree came down Christmas afternoon. Once again we were in the middle of the process of packing suitcases,...
by Teresa S. | Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission, WMCLB
Early in the morning, quietly and sacredly, already 35 years ago, a son was born. We named him Benjamin Paul. Benjamin: son of my right hand. Ben Paul: son of Paul. Unlike Rachel’s Benjamin, son of Jacob and of Isaac and of Abraham, this was our firstborn. We had a...
by Nathanael S | Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission
Who will slaughter the ram?” In the Muslim Bagirmi tribe this is not just a logistical concern. An animal must be slaughtered a certain way, facing a certain direction, while a certain Muslim mantra is pronounced over it: “In the name of Allah.” Otherwise it is not...
by Faith & Fellowship | CLB Canada, Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission, We are LB Church (NEWS)
There is a fair amount of conversation today about the need for the local church to think of its ministry in much the same way that overseas missionaries think about theirs. Voices in mission today frequently refer to North America as the largest mission field in the...
by Faith & Fellowship | CLB Canada, Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission
The B. family is pressing on in their “call” and passion to bring the gospel to the unreached people of Chad. Danny and Mandy have sensed this call and pursued this vocation for years. In the summer of 2013, they left home and traveled to France with their three boys...
by Faith & Fellowship | CLB Canada, Faith & Fellowship magazine, International Mission
One night we were settling down to sleep, enjoying the night breeze which offered relief from the long hot day, when Carrie and I heard the familiar greeting “Salam alekoum” right outside of our door. Two women had come to speak with us, robed in black, their head...