

Differences, I have been learning a lot about differences. Following God’s calling as a missionary, you know you are signing up for something “different.” At the same time you really only begin to realize just how different these differences are when you are smack in...
Lutheran Brethren DNA

Lutheran Brethren DNA

Rev. K.O. Lundeberg was instrumental in bringing together the family of churches that came to be the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. In 1899 he established the Broderbaandet (Bond of Brotherhood). This magazine was to be an instrument of the Lord through which he...
Hope and Health to Chadians

Hope and Health to Chadians

Jesus declared, “I will build my Church,” to his small band of disciples after Peter confessed him as the Christ. In one pithy pronouncement, Jesus defined both his role in and his ownership of this enormous and supernatural construction project. In the early...
A Familiar Foreigner

A Familiar Foreigner

On our first trip to RT Mart, my daughter asked me, “Why is everyone staring at us?” The only good answer I had was this: “Because we look strange.” With blonde hair and blue eyes, my children stick out like sore thumbs in the hustle and bustle of Hsinchu, Taiwan. We...
Famine Relief and the Gospel

Famine Relief and the Gospel

At a town in Chad I pulled off the main road and navigated the Toyota Land Cruiser in between mud houses and through narrow alleys with inches to spare. A Chadian Lutheran Brethren missionary colleague, directed me to a house where we picked up the village chief, and...
My First Week as a  Missionary in Chad

My First Week as a Missionary in Chad

“See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (Rev. 3:8). The late night flight into Ndjamena is surreal. Am I really landing in Chad? I cover my hair with the obligatory scarf to exit the plane, enter the bus parked on the tarmac, and sit...