Church of the Lutheran Brethren Young Adults Survey

Six months ago a task force was assembled by the leadership of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren to evaluate the effectiveness of young adult ministry and mission and to make recommendations back to the denomination’s leadership as they look to the future.

Young adult ministries vary from church to church as does the demographic which churches use to categorize “young adults”.

If you are 17-35 or you consider yourself to be a young adult, then we value your feedback.

We invite you to take a brief survey which will help us as we pass along recommendations to our church family’s leadership. Go to


We would appreciate having this survey completed by May 14th.

Thank you for your participation!


Young Adults Task Force

Rev. Luther Stenberg
Mrs. Anne Marie Stenberg
Rev. Brandon Pangman
Mr. Wayne Stender
Dr. Tony Rogness
Mr. Eric Smith
Ms. Rayna Kavanaugh
Mrs. Dena Rokos
Mr. Tommy Olsen
Mr. Michael Titterness
Mrs. Bethany Titterness
Dr. Gaylan Mathiesen
Rev. Mark Johannesen – Chair
Rev. Gary Witkop – Regional Pastor Rep
Rev. Roger Olson – Regional Pastor Rep


YC17: Why We Do It
2016 CLB Youth Worker Compensation and Budget Survey Summation