Peace that Comes from God

Peace that Comes from God

I grew up in a non-Christian household, so I never heard God’s Word until coming to Hillcrest Academy in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Coming into an environment where God’s Word was constantly spoken was a challenge for me. Not only was I confused and didn’t fully...

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Think About It

Think About It

Years ago, the Minnesota Vikings had a quarterback by the name of Christian Ponder. I always thought his name should have an application in an article or a sermon, but I could never find one… until now. Now there is a great difference between ponderous and pondering....

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Timeless Love

Timeless Love

It would be the last time the young pastor would visit the old man, and there was something heavy on the old man’s heart. He had spent the last few months in physical pain, but that was not what troubled him now. Now he seemed at peace with the pain, and even to...

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Gathered in Christ

Gathered in Christ

“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’” (Matthew 28:16-18)....

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Backwards Grace

Backwards Grace

The grace of God is backwards. It does not make any sense. At least that is how things look from the world’s perspective. If you want something in this world you must work for it—you put in the time and effort. You give the blood, sweat, and tears necessary to earn...

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“I Am With You”

“I Am With You”

It’s been wedding season in our extended family, with two of our sons and two nephews marrying in the last nine months! I had the privilege of officiating all four. At the last wedding, Sam and Meghan’s, I gave them this verse: “…as God’s chosen people, holy and...

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Christ Goes With You

Christ Goes With You

Has life ever caused you great doubt? What do you do? Where do you go? There are times when we are crying out saying, “Dear Lord, I have no idea what to do. Please show me the way.” This last year has given out crazy things to deal with like never before, and...

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Recovering a Lost Treasure

Recovering a Lost Treasure

I sometimes wonder if many of God’s people feel disconnected from the Great Commission. After all, what does our work as a waitress or a welder, a business owner or a barista, a paralegal or a parent have to do with God’s redemptive mission? Have you heard the saying...

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Going to the Brokenness

Going to the Brokenness

We hear in the Great Commission a call to go. What does it mean to go? Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he gives this charge to his disciples, to his followers. Why should they go? Because he wants to use his followers to bring all people into relationship with him....

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Ask in My Name

Ask in My Name

When I was a young Christian, Dave Skaret was one of the coolest guys I knew. In my mind, he was one of those iconic characters, like James Dean, Steve McQueen, or Paul Newman, who loved muscle cars and motorcycles, and had the stories of building hot rods and drag...

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Life is hard. Beset by sin and its consequences in our lives and in the world around us, we experience real hurts through our circumstances and relationships. As if that is not enough, we also contend with emotional, psychological, and physical suffering. Over the...

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Walk in the Light

Walk in the Light

From the imaginative prayer of a five-year-old, to the awkward prayer in a circle of teens in youth group, to the elegant prayer of a seasoned saint—how should we approach God in prayer? Our approach will have less to do with our skill with poetic words, and more to...

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The Note

The Note

In October of 2001, I was feeling lost and overwhelmed. I’m normally a pretty confident guy, but life circumstances had shaken me and I was beginning to doubt my ability to control my own destiny. My wife and I were engaged at the time and set to be married on...

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Praying for Boston

Praying for Boston

We gather in small circles in a corner of the Boston Common to pray for the people of the city. Despite the 91-degree heat, I get goosebumps as I stand in that circle, knowing that our presence here is an answer to previous prayers, and thinking about the day when...

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LBS Class of 2021

LBS Class of 2021

WES ASHEIM, Master of DivinityWes grew up in Portland, North Dakota and attended North Dakota State University for his undergraduate degree. He met his wife Anya while both worked at Inspiration Point Christian Camp and Retreat Center, and they have now been married...

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