Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

I saved a kid who was drowning once, while I was at the ocean. At least I think that I saved him. I may have just interrupted his pleasant afternoon. Whatever the case, I vividly remember, in the middle of that experience, feeling that I was possibly not going to make...

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The Mighty Hand of the Lord

The Mighty Hand of the Lord

A friend lamented from across the ocean, “I just wish there was more we could do,” as I finished updating her on Matt’s condition. It was Fall of 2020, and Matt was continuing to recover from a spinal cord injury he incurred during a motorcycle accident, while...

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The Other Person in the Room

The Other Person in the Room

Picture yourself and just one other person in a dentist’s waiting room (think pre-COVID, even pre-smart phone days). Do you attempt a conversation? Maybe, depending on your personality. And it could turn into a nice visit. But if the person ignores you, do you feel...

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Colorblind God

Colorblind God

As my wife and I entered the old Spanish fort on the island of Vieques, I immediately noticed the statue of a white woman with flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was holding a child of similar complexion. The Roman Catholic symbolism made it obvious that...

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Unmasked and Unafraid

Unmasked and Unafraid

For more than a year, people nearly everywhere on the face of the earth have been asked, encouraged, instructed, urged, required, or otherwise prompted to wear a mask or face covering in public. Whatever your opinion of the present focus on mask wearing, there seems...

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Offended and Forgiving?

Offended and Forgiving?

In May 1978, I walked into a prison in Africa to speak with the nine men who were suspected of murdering my parents. After 34 years of faithful service to God, my missionary parents had been brutally murdered 10 days earlier near their home in Yagoua, Cameroon.  I...

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Theory Interpretation

Theory Interpretation

"How can you say one interpretation is right, and another is wrong? Aren’t they all just interpretations?” I hear this question in the New Testament classes I teach every year. Usually, when my students express this, they are sincerely wrestling with an important...

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Cancel Culture and the Christian

Cancel Culture and the Christian

What do Amy Grant, Taylor Swift, Lauren Daigle, and Dr. Seuss have in common? They have all been “canceled.” In the 1990s, Christian bookstores pulled Grant’s music from their shelves after her divorce. Swift was publicly shamed when the hashtag...

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Engaging Our Neighbors

Engaging Our Neighbors

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus made it clear that everyone with whom we come in contact is our neighbor. Jesus used the example of someone from Samaria being the neighbor to a beaten and dying Jew. Normally, Jews and Samaritans had nothing to do with each...

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Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

As I walked up to the park and saw my friend there, it had been so long since I had seen her in person. It was nice to see her face-to-face again, but I wondered how I would be received. “How are you?” I asked. She answered “It’s been rough. I miss food at...

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Pizza and Community

Pizza and Community

"One cherished value at Community of Joy Church in Eagan, Minnesota is right in the name—community. This means spending time together both during worship and at other planned and unplanned gathering times. Equally important is the idea of extending that community to...

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Simple Evangelism

Simple Evangelism

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep...

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The Path of Mission

The Path of Mission

Due to the COVID situation, the Chadian government required seven days of independent quarantine for incoming passengers. Therefore, we were transported to the Welcome Center (commonly known as the Mission Headquarters), about half an hour away from the airport, just...

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Called to Chad

Called to Chad

The night before the CLB Council of Directors faced the decision on calling us to be missionaries, the Lord put on my heart Isaiah 6—Isaiah’s call to ministry. I am very familiar with verse 8, where the Lord asks, “Who will go for us?” and Isaiah says, “Here am I!...

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Castaway No More

Castaway No More

You’ve been carrying around a COVID bubble for well over a year now. It’s like the old concept of “personal space,” only bigger—a six-foot-radius circle. This bubble is inherently distancing and isolating. Most of us have felt lonely. Some real human needs are not met...

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