A Love Story

A Love Story

The old man greeted me kindly and offered a cup of coffee as I entered his home. He and his wife were members of our congregation, but due to health issues they hadn’t attended in years. Eager to get to know them, I accepted the offer for coffee and took a seat at...

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Fully God and Fully Human

Fully God and Fully Human

How is Jesus fully God and fully human? I do not think I understand it well, and I cannot explain it well with big theological words. But maybe, as a mama, I feel some sort of understanding when I think of him in his final moments, caring for his mama. My mind, with...

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You Don’t Need to Fear Death

You Don’t Need to Fear Death

Why did Joseph wake Mary in the middle of the night and tell her to gather her things quickly so they could flee to Egypt? Jesus was in danger. The forces of darkness were intent on killing him. A spiritual battle was engaged. The enemy of our souls had reason to fear...

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Good News from the Tomb

Good News from the Tomb

Who understands forgiveness best—the forgiver or the forgiven?  A betrayed husband (call him TK) wandered in rage, tears, thoughts of revenge, and prayer throughout the night. In the morning, he found himself heading to church, which was his practice. It had started...

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Not Yet Home

Not Yet Home

Friends and partners in mission: The author of Hebrews writes, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for” (11:1-2). The author continues by pointing to examples of how the...

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One Mission Together

One Mission Together

It has been challenging for women to gather in person this year, due to COVID-19. Some feel lonely, unable to fellowship, contribute, or safely meet with others. Others feel overly taxed, doing double-duty at work, church, and home. But you can be involved, whether...

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Being Useful in Taiwan

Being Useful in Taiwan

Every time I talk to Mrs. Yue about Christianity, she predictably retells me how she faithfully helps her extended family (and two other persons who died without descendants) by performing the twice-daily ancestor rituals for them at the god shelf in her home. As I...

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The Other Lost Boy

The Other Lost Boy

Everybody loves the story of the prodigal son: a rebel sinner confessing his misery, the waiting father running and smothering him with kisses, filthy clothes exchanged for the father’s finery, a ring of sonship, and even sandals for his feet—for only slaves walk...

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Disciple: A State of Being

Disciple: A State of Being

I have long thought that John 1 gives us a simple and concise example of how we are invited to follow Jesus in making disciples. In this chapter we see Jesus identified as the long-awaited Messiah. He is the Word of God incarnate, that is, in flesh and blood, who has...

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Easter is About Jellybeans

Easter is About Jellybeans

I have always reminded myself that Christmas is about the birth of the Savior, not about Santa Claus and the presents. Easter is about the suffering, death, and resurrection of that Savior, not about the Easter Bunny and the jellybeans. While I enjoyed those other...

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Seeing… or Not Seeing

Seeing… or Not Seeing

The crowd cried out, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will...

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The Morning Star

The Morning Star

The planet Venus is known as the Morning Star. It circles the Sun faster than the earth and often appears in the east just over the horizon before dawn. As the earth rotates it gives the appearance that Venus is leading the sun, bringing the light, to the earth. In...

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Fear and Lies

Fear and Lies

The idea of a Kingdom of Darkness attempts to describe the ongoing reality of the devil’s work on earth. This includes demonic activity and the sinful thoughts, words, and actions of humanity. We are a fallen people always being led astray by fallen angels. Yet, most...

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gods: on Trial

gods: on Trial

A Toss of the Blocks“Will Miss Kuo have a boyfriend before next semester?” This seems like a silly question to ask a god. And yet, as the two red crescent-shaped blocks clattered across the floor they stopped with one round side and one flat side both facing up—a very...

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Have You Committed the Unforgivable Sin?

Have You Committed the Unforgivable Sin?

If you type the words “the unforgivable sin” into a google search bar, you will be promptly drowned in several hundred articles on the subject. Apparently, there’s something here that weighs on the minds of many a Christian googler! If you scroll a bit through the...

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