Healing the Abortion Heart

Healing the Abortion Heart

Young people who grow up in a church are at risk for abortion. A recent Lifeway Research survey found that nearly 4 out of 10 women who have had abortions were attending church at least once a month.Another survey by the Guttmacher Institute shows that 54%...

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Arrow Corps

Arrow Corps

The concept of Arrow Corps started a couple of years ago. As the CLB Mission Team worked through a strategic planning process, we recognized two significant needs in our denomination: 1) We have many churches that are in plateau or decline and 2) we do not...

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Who Builds Your Value?

Who Builds Your Value?

I have a small but functional collection of hand tools on the work bench in my basement. The tool I most prize is probably my cordless drill. It’s the one that gets used all the time. Its many nicks and scuffs tell the stories of numerous projects...

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On Mission

On Mission

One time Jesus’ disciple Philip wanted to see God. I would like to see God too. I think it is a very human desire. I see so much that is negative. Every day I see sickness and suffering. I see perversion and hatred. I see death. Sometimes I also see love...

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Editor’s Note: God is NOT in the Noise

Editor’s Note: God is NOT in the Noise

In the Old Testament we are given the story of a prophet named Elijah. Because of the corruption around him, Elijah falsely believed he was the last follower of God in Israel. After a brave encounter with those who desired to silence him, Elijah retreated...

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You Take God’s Breath Away

You Take God’s Breath Away

When I was younger, my parents really encouraged me to be happy and do a lot in life. There are videos from my childhood where my parents would say, “What is this?” and I’d say, “I’m Taylor Watkins, and this is a great day!”I remember, in fourth grade,...

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

Just who are you? How do you identify yourself? How do you complete this sentence? “I am ……”You might answer it in terms of your family and give your name. You might answer in terms of what you do and give your vocation. There are many ways by which we...

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Navigating Homosexuality

Navigating Homosexuality

The Bible clearly teaches that same-sex activity and gender confusion are results of the Fall into sin. It also teaches that our God loves his world (John 3:16). God loves us fallen deviants so much that he sent his Son to save us by living the perfect...

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Humility First

Humility First

“Love everybody!” That must be good, because it sounds like a Bible verse. Everybody is God’s creation, so we should extend that respect and love to all people. But what if someone tells me that I’m not “loving” them unless I support their sexual...

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Requests From Africa

Requests From Africa

I was sitting on a rickety wooden bench, enjoying some sweet tea and grilled goat meat, a common meal for a traveler looking for restaurant fare in rural Chad, Africa.This was not my first visit to this rural Chadian farming community. I had met a young...

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Break Every Chain

Break Every Chain

There is a familiar story where this lady who was caught in adultery was brought before Jesus. Her accusers dragged her into a room full of people who were looking to prove something while using her as a prop. Naked she stood there. Probably with her legs...

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Living A Life of Service

Living A Life of Service

Beau and Erin Sibuma live for camp. Their relationship started as a camp crush, and camp was the natural soil they grew in. They looked forward to seeing each other at Warm Beach Bible Camp every summer—after the fall, winter, and spring in their...

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Preparing For Persecution

Preparing For Persecution

Jesus said we should expect many troubles in following him. For most, we call those troubles persecution. The Lutheran Brethren is historically concerned with equipping young people for tough times by strengthening their faith. Hillcrest Academy was...

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