Daily Prayer Notes
Pray for good health & stamina for Claire & Dan & their children Ashley & Austin as they continue to adjust to life in Chad. Happy 8th birthday to Austin! Happy 1st birthday to Francis!
Pray for Daniel & Nancy as they continue their journey of language & cultural acquisition in their new village. Happy birthday to Nancy.
Pray for Paul & Alexa Fraser as they prepare to serve in Japan, & for another couple that is sensing a call to Japan. Pray for churches that will partner with them in prayer & finances.
As Mike & Delores Kittelson prepare to return to the US, pray that the Spirit will guide them in bringing closure to their ministry there & in working with the national Church for ongoing involvement in God’s mission, locally & globally.
Pray for Paul & Teresa’s friends. The husband has been asking lots of questions about the gospel. The wife has been afflicted by a deep infection in her foot but is now seeing improvement thanks to treatment by a specialist. Pray for her complete healing & for their openness to the good...
Grandma Guo & Sandy Christofferson have resumed their daily walks after Sandy's summer home assignment. Pray that as Sandy shares Bible stories with her, Grandma Guo's eyes would be opened to the gospel.