Daily Prayer Notes


Roger and Sue Olson reach out to Japanese college students in the Seattle area. The Japanese Ministries program at Rock of Ages LB Church has been an effective way to bring the gospel to these students and other Japanese living in the area. Pray that the Holy Spirit will do a work of awakening.


Pray for Michael and Delores Kittelson as they prepare for their retirement, and "pass the baton" to others who will carry on the ministry they have had at the LB churches in Hsinchu and Baushan.  They are thankful for those they worked with who also had a willing heart to serve.


Dean and Linda Bengtson report that two neighbors are now regularly attending the Sunday morning chapel time at House of Hope! Pray for W-san and S-san, that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts to help them understand God’s Word and to respond in faith.


Pray for Dan and Claire, that they will lean into the Lord as they tackle language learning and cultural adaptation in the capital. Pray for good health for the family during their ongoing transition.


Pray for Ben and Sara Hosch and children as they adjust back into ministry and school after a summer home assignment. Pray for Fengjia University campus to open to the public so Ben and Sara can make connections with the students.


Pray for Daniel, his wife Nancy and their children as they start a new life of ministry with Chadian partners among the people group in their new village.