

Chad is rated in the top tier of poorest countries in the world. Statistics show that 47% of Chad’s population live below the poverty line. The United Nations Human Development Index ranks Chad as 186 of 195 countries in the world due to multiple factors—including a high infant mortality rate (10%), a low life expectancy (51 years), minimal access to safe drinking water (51%) and a low literacy rate (41%).

Of the 141 people groups in Chad, 75 are considered unreached, all of them are Muslim. The majority of these people groups live in a context where they have little or no contact with the gospel.

David and Sonja

David and Sonja and their children serve as missionaries among an unreached people group of Chad. They live in community, ministering the gospel to the people among whom they serve. They have been with LBIM since 2016.

Jeremy and Sallee

Jeremy and Sallee serve as administrators of the Lutheran Welcome Center, a guest house and conference facility designed to provide a place of rest, renewal and gathering for missionaries in Chad. They have been with LBIM since 2015.

Matt and Christina

Matt and Christina and their children are in the process of preparing for service as missionaries in Chad. They are currently in the United States, pursuing a Certificate of Theological Study in missions through Lutheran Brethren Seminary. They have been with LBIM since 2020.

Nathanael and Carrie

Nathanael and Carrie and their family are living in a village in Chad among an unreached people group.  They are translating Bible stories. They have started an elementary school and are seeking other creative ways to share those stories in their community along with their Chadian partners in ministry. They have been with LBIM since 2012.

Paul and Teresa

Paul and Teresa are living in a new mission community. There, they partner with Chadian friends in an educational ministry, preparing Chadian families to work alongside LBIM missionaries among the unreached. They have served with LBIM since 1997.

Dan and Claire

Dan and Claire and their children are in the process of preparing for service as missionaries to Chad. They are currently in France, learning the French language. They have been with LBIM since 2021.


Japan is in many ways a bridge from the West to the East, the only nation that has been classified as both non-Western and modern. Yet there is a deep spiritual void, which is presently being addressed by an average of 100 new religions each year.

The needs that the Church can speak to are many. The political world has been rocked by one political scandal after another. There is a lack of values among the nation’s youth that has caught the attention of the national media. The economy has been hit hard, and the “graying of Japan” is a major concern.

Dean and Linda

Dean and Linda live in Ishinomaki where much destruction occurred in the “Great Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami.” They are following God’s direction in a church planting ministry there. Pray for continued opportunities to meet people with open hearts! Pray also for a Japanese worker to join them. They have been with LBIM since 1989.


The Church of the Lutheran Brethren sent its first missionaries to China in 1902. After mainland China was closed to missionary work in 1948, Lutheran Brethren International Mission began a ministry in Taiwan where many mainland Chinese fled to escape Communism. Since the arrival of our first missionary family in 1951, several churches have been planted and a seminary begun in cooperation with three other Lutheran missions and four National Churches. We have a growing work and presence among the Hakka people, one of the least evangelized people in Taiwan.

Ben and Sara

Ben and Sara and their children have been in Taiwan since the fall of 2018.  They are currently in the process of Mandarin Chinese language study. They are currently seeking the Lord’s will for future placement and ministry opportunities.

Ethan and Sandy

Ethan and Sandy are working to reach the unreached in northwestern Taiwan and focus their evangelism efforts in Qionglin, the town where they live. They use both Hakka and Mandarin Chinese in their interactions with others. Ethan is also a researcher at the China Lutheran Seminary Research Center for Traditional Chinese Religions and New Religious Movements in the city of Hsinchu. Ethan began with LBIM in 1990, going to Taiwan.  Sandy started in 1987 in Cameroon.  They were married in 1992 and went together to Taiwan.

Mike and Delores

Mike and Delores are involved in full-time ministry among the Hakka Chinese. They desire to work with LB churches and individuals who are interested and concerned about reaching their Hakka family and friends for Jesus Christ. Currently they are partnering with Victory LB Church, Hsinchu, to develop ministries specific to Hakka people. Evangelism is done through friendship evangelism and material using traditional Hakka songs and poetry.  Mike and Delores have been with LBIM since 1987.