LBS Opening Service

On August 29, 2016 Lutheran Brethren Seminary held its 2016-17 opening service where faculty, staff, and new students were introduced. Dr. Sigurd Grindheim was commissioned and installed as Professor of New Testament by CLB President Paul Larson.

Top Photo L to R: Brent Andrews (Librarian/Media Specialist), Professor Nathan Oldenkamp, Dr. David Veum, Patti Zwiers (Assistant to the President), Dr. Eugene Boe, Kathy Garvin (Administrative Assistant to the Dean), Dr. Allan Bjerkaas (Director of Distance Education), Dr. Gaylan Mathiesen, Professor Brad Pribbenow, Dr. Sigurd Grindheim, LaWayne Rogness (Director of Finance), and Dr. Tony Rogness (Chairman of LBS Board).

New on Campus: Kelly and Jessica Hart, Seth and Patience Johnston, Moriah Juhl, John Osmundson, Ty and Sheila Rostvedt, and Cynthia and David Wallace.

New Distance Students: Scott and Carol Ann Kopperud, David and Amelia Martin, Lance and Shannon Rascoe, and Lance and Gretchen Morrison.

Continuing Students: Kristian and Mary Anderson, Wes and Anya Asheim, Ben and Jenilee Bigaouette, Ben and Celia Breslin, Aaron Christensen, Kevin Clinton, Timothy and Monica Collins, Mars and Mitzi Harper, Chris and Lyssa Hartley, Brad and Jackie Hauer, Jordan and Gretchen Herrick, Alan and Cheryl Johnson, Russell and Yuna Krause, Nick and Brittany Laven, Nate and Emily Nash, David and Nicole Olson, Giovanni Ramos, Greg and Dena Rokos, Jon and Kristin Ronnevik, Bob and Melanie Schultz, Erick Sede, Scott and Angela Skones, Zachary Smith, Daniel and Karen Stenberg.

Sept. Financial Report
UnDone Church