Triumph women in Haiti

Here are “word-snapshots” from women sharing God’s mission heart, through short-term teams from Pacific and Central Region churches.

Where did you go? 

For almost twenty years women from Rock of Ages Lutheran Brethren Church in Seattle, Washington have partnered yearly with a church in Mezquital, Mexico, just over the US border.

Last April, fifteen women from Triumph LBC, Moorhead, Minnesota and West Fargo, North Dakota (one church—two campuses) went to Merger, Haiti, about forty-five minutes from Port-au-Prince.

What motivated you?

“God is already in Mexico, working in the hearts of the people and working through his Church. So we have the joy of coming alongside a church for a week to bring them encouragement, and in so doing we are encouraged.”

“I had hoped and prayed for years about an all-woman team doing some kind of missions experience together, here or overseas. It seemed that there would be something so unifying, empowering, and humbling about serving together as women in that way—having to rely on the Lord and on each other to make it work.”

“A previous mission trip to Haiti motivated me, along with prompting from the Holy Spirit. We were studying A Beautiful Purpose by Susie Larson, which finalized the idea… I knew it would be a different trip with just women; more personal for a group.”

“What motivated me? An obedient disciple who heard God’s call in her heart and took a step of faithfulness! Thank you, Sarah! One person taking one step—and missions will ‘take off!’”

What kind of things did you do?

Rock of Ages partnered with Mezquital the week before Easter to do children’s ministries, women’s ministries, and cooking for over 100 teens and adults who joined together for the yearly Lutheran Brethren “Borderless” ministry in surrounding villages.

Triumph helped build a widow’s home, presented VBS-type programs for kids, played with children at an orphanage and school, bought and delivered food to the orphanage, helped the pastor with construction at his church, went on prayer walks, came alongside the women who cooked their food, washed dishes and cleaned house.

Has this experience changed you, and if so, how?

“Our faith is increased as we step out of our comfort zones to minister cross-culturally, leaning heavily on the Lord.”

“Yes, I have a heart for the people of Haiti… I no longer am able to live comfortably in my own home… I’m convicted to help, reach out, and seek God in how I go about it.”

“God blesses his people in the ways that we need. I was blessed in Haiti to witness that even in the midst of deep poverty his people are filled with joy; joy that can only be found in Christ. He showed me that true freedom is only found in him, not in what our circumstances are. His blessings are abundant!”

“To be more open to more missions experiences as the Lord opens the doors… realizing that ‘missions’ begins at home, and that there are people around us, where we live, who need Jesus and our touch in their lives.”

Thanks to Bernice Loken from Rock of Ages, and to Jeri Nellermoe, Casey Baardson, Sarah Giddings, Tami Crist, and Malynda Krieg from Triumph, for sharing! 

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