It has been challenging for women to gather in person this year, due to COVID-19. Some feel lonely, unable to fellowship, contribute, or safely meet with others. Others feel overly taxed, doing double-duty at work, church, and home. But you can be involved, whether you’re in an isolated situation, or in a frenzied multi-tasking season of life.

The desire of WMCLB is to align itself with the mission of Jesus, here and overseas. Each year women join together in projects that encourage women to grow in their faith, and to spread the gospel message in North America and other nations.

Our focus project this year has been to aid in providing an airstrip for our missionaries in Chad, Africa. You can help this become a reality, right where you are! Here is the first step: Pray with us that the Lord would turn the hearts and minds of the Chadian government officials to grant the approvals needed to build the airstrip.

Every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. eastern time, a group of women pray for this request, and other missionary needs. You can join this virtual prayer meeting or pray right where you are. The Apostle Paul asked for specific prayer from his readers, “You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many” (2 Corinthians 1:11, ESV). Will you help, praying for this specific request?

The yearly SWEET Retreat is a weekend for seminary and faculty wives to meet, connect, and fellowship together, funded through WMCLB giving. This year’s speaker, Gretchen Ronnevik, focused on Gospel Mentoring. Participants commented: “I love how Gretchen spoke on Law and Gospel, and how that motivates the way we mentor and serve.” “It was nice to have down time to rest and be refreshed by nature.” “We were also blessed to hear from Sallee Stanton about the ministry she and her husband provide at the Welcome Center in N’Djamena, Chad.” This event was hosted by Inspiration Point at Twin Oaks, the new camp property near Vining, Minnesota. Peak fall foliage provided added appreciation of the amazing trails and spacious new grounds.

Here’s what you can do: Since many of the SWEET Retreat women are wives of our future missionaries, church planters, and pastors of our Lutheran Brethren churches, will you commit to pray for them during their training years?

HELP (Household Equipment Linen Project) is a way to give to missionary families who are returning overseas, or on home assignment. We are so grateful for churches who have given to this separate designated fund, as three families have received funds this year. Would you consider a special gift to this fund, in addition to your regular giving to WMCLB?

God is working even through technology! We are grateful for virtual Bible Studies, virtual speakers for events, and even online contributions! April 30 is the end of the fiscal year for WMCLB, so we encourage you to give, be as involved as you can, and above all, pray!

Contributions: By mail, WMCLB, Box 655, Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0655, or online,
Send HELP funds to: Joy Mathiesen, 1421 Highway Terrace, Fergus Falls, MN 56537.
Online prayer meeting: Contact for the Zoom link.

Cheryl Olsen is the Faith & Fellowship correspondent for Women’s Ministries of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.

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