The Bronson Family (L to R): Jonah, Danny, Samuel, Ezekiel, Mandy, and Theo.

The B. family is pressing on in their “call” and passion to bring the gospel to the unreached people of Chad. Danny and Mandy have sensed this call and pursued this vocation for years. In the summer of 2013, they left home and traveled to France with their three boys (Zeke, Theo and Jonah) to begin their language learning. This was the first step in preparing them to go to Chad where they would proclaim and live out the gospel among an unreached people group.

We rejoiced with them when we heard that Mandy was pregnant. Little Samuel was born in France in the spring of 2014. It soon became apparent that something was not quite right. After testing, Samuel was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease, a congenital condition affecting the proper function of the large intestine. After receiving excellent care and a surgery in France, the family returned to the United States in order to monitor Samuel’s development. It was especially important to evaluate his ability to properly digest solid food as he grew older.

We praise God that Samuel has responded well. God continues to lead the B. Family to Chad, and they are pressing on towards that goal. The family returned to France at the end of June, where Mandy will continue her French studies. If all goes according to plan, they will press on to Chad at the end of this year.

In the words of Danny and Mandy: “Our going may seem strange to some, but we take to heart what Jesus said in Matthew 16:25, ‘Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.’ Pursuing safety in this life will never end as we want it, and so we trust in God’s wisdom and protection as we go.”

Rejoice with us and pray with us for the B. family, for their perseverance in following this call, for their patience as they transition once again to France, for the health of Samuel and the entire family, and for their continued preparation for what God has in store for them. And pray for the people they will work among in Chad that many will hear the message of Christ through the B. Family’s ministry; for faith comes through hearing the gospel!

Dan Venberg serves as Mission Mobilizer and Recruiter for Lutheran Brethren International Mission.

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Introducing the Stantons
Missionary Update: A Tale of Two Children